Tag Archive | hand lettering

Invitation to the Governor in Copperplate


What a delight to write in the centuries old Copperplate hand!  It speaks such elegance and beauty, don’t you think?  It is my favorite hand because it feels like dancing across the paper………pressure on the down stroke, pause, …lift slightly,… no pressure at all on the upstroke.  Pause at the top, …begin downward movement with gradually increasing pressure.  Stop if a straight tip is needed, or lighten up and round the descender tail as the stroke flows effortlessly upward.  Continue, adding flourishes as they fit the spaces, ….Dance, Pen, dance!CopperplateGovernor

Finding a Calligrapher – not the easiest task

Today a woman brought me a small certificate that had been presented without the name and date being filled in.  She had purchased a lovely silver frame, and wanted the name written artistically.  Cindy had shopped at Michael’s for a calligraphy pen, only to realize that there is more to hand lettering than just having a certain tool.   Then she contacted the Yellow pages listings, but each of these brought only frustration.  She reported wasting her time talking to businesses that handle commercial accounts, require a minimum of $30, or provide machine fonts, not hand written words. 

Her hunt continued for a reasonably priced calligrapher.  When a paper goods store provided my name from their file, Cindy got her happy ending.  She exchanged a five dollar bill for the result she envisioned.  Cindy left my studio pleased with a framable award.

This award is entirely hand lettered.