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The books of the Holy Bible

Because there have been a few corrections in the titles since I memorized the names of the books of the Catholic Bible in grade school. I decided to write the list and share it with members of Our Lady of the Lake Connect bible study.

I began with a rough plan in uncial because it was used during medieval centuries before the printing press, and because I love twisting the pen to design letters.


You can see that I proofed it with several thoughts: spelling corrections, decision to slightly enlarge the first letter since uncial does not have upper case letters, modifying individual letters for a more artistic design, and inspection to improve spacing for a consistent presentation.

It’s off to the printer tomorrow for reduction into a bookmark size – probably 6 to an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet.


Papyrus Awards Pesented in Italy

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How to begin?  Once sufficient information exists to plan, I start writing the words to get a sense of the space needed.

I begin to explore what the overall shape each element will become.

For example, all upper case letters always make a rectangular shape.  The tails and ascenders in lower case spread out, up and down into unique areas.

Rough drafts of the entire information come next. I don’t concern myself with centering, still just an overall feel for what the text will do.


Invitation to the Governor in Copperplate


What a delight to write in the centuries old Copperplate hand!  It speaks such elegance and beauty, don’t you think?  It is my favorite hand because it feels like dancing across the paper………pressure on the down stroke, pause, …lift slightly,… no pressure at all on the upstroke.  Pause at the top, …begin downward movement with gradually increasing pressure.  Stop if a straight tip is needed, or lighten up and round the descender tail as the stroke flows effortlessly upward.  Continue, adding flourishes as they fit the spaces, ….Dance, Pen, dance!CopperplateGovernor